Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Wayra Lodge to Colpa Lodge (Day 6)

Woke up to what we would have seen the day before if not for the weather. The mountains were truly majestic and in the sunlight the glaciers shone. 

Before starting the trek we went of to see one of the locals houses, sadly they were out so we had to contend with the company of two lovely puppies, the guide did have to shoo one of them away otherwise I’m sure she would have followed us down the valley.   

We started out at 12,900 feet and walked down to 9,400 with the O2 increasing as we descended breathing got easier, the flip side was the constant pounding on the soles of your feet and knees did become a touch uncomfortable. 

The change in the ecosystems was marked as we traveled down through the high Andean meadow for the lack of a better word into a lush cloud forest. Must do some more research because the guides description of a cloud forest is not what I understood it to be. 

The final assault before lunch involved a five minute decent to the Salkanty river over a substantial bridge then up 8 to 10 minute of switchbacks to the lodge. Sadly we were unable to see the construction of a Peruvian Hangi as Pepe decided that we were too slow and they needed to get on with this vital process.

Things changed for the better in the afternoon as the group gathered in the scorching tub and and a few glasses of bubbles and beer. 

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